- Q, Why i can’t open the movies on SabayMerl.com?
- A, Because you Computer doesn’t have Flash Player so you must install it frist before you can open the movie. These are the Urls that you can download flash player:
Download Flash Player For Internet Explorer: Click here
Download Flash Player For Non Internet Explorer: Click here
- Q, How can i download the movies from this website?
- A, Our website has not provided download link for all you guys but we recommend you to use Internet Download Manager (IDM). Every time you click to display any movie, you will see the download link in IDM that you can enjoy downloading it.
- Q, Why i can’t play the movie on SabayMerl.com?
- A, Because your internet speed is to slow. Recommend speed 512/kbs.
- Q, Where are the movies source?
- A, All the movie sources are from youtube.
- Q, Is SabayMerl support with tablets?
- A, Yes why not.
- Q, Is SabayMerl support with IOS?
- A, Yes, from now SabayMerl is support with IOS but it best with IOS version 5.01 +
If you still have any problem, please submit us your issue in contact us. Thanks